The College of Engineering’s weekly update aims to provide transparent and frequent information about how the College is operating, adapting and caring for its community. Updated information can always be found at the College’s COVID website. Questions and feedback can be submitted here.
Following the Town Hall last week with Deans Alec Gallimore and Sharon L.R. Kardia (SPH), departments, divisions and units are currently submitting re-entry plans to the College for Phase Two of Return to On-Campus Operations. Those plans, which determine how physical spaces and staff will be allocated in Fall 2020, will follow guidance from the Provost’s Office and Environmental, Health and Safety Office, as well as the College’s Principles for Returning Staff to Campus.
These plans will ensure that all faculty, staff and students continue to receive the level of support needed to preserve our excellence and reputation. They will be created with maximum flexibility, and working to minimize the number of personnel reporting to campus on any given day in order to keep our on-campus density low.
To implement re-entry, the College’s COVID-19 Council and Action Teams are moving into “readiness mode.” This will allow for a comprehensive accounting of all activities and preparations necessary to allow faculty, staff and students to return to campus safely in the fall.
Information about how on-site operations will resume can be found in the Campus Operations section of the College’s COVID-19 website. Dean Gallimore’s town hall can be viewed in this video, and Dean Kardia’s slides are available here. Additional questions can be submitted using the College’s COVID-19 feedback form.
Last week, Ann Arbor Public Schools announced that they will be fully virtual when classes resume in late August. While all neighboring school districts have not yet announced their falls plans, many families are preparing for similar news.
As a result, many faculty, staff, and learners with school-aged dependents and children are concerned about the challenges of balancing home and work while navigating a fully-virtual fall. The College is committed to supporting individuals through this unprecedented journey, and supervisors are encouraged to provide maximum flexibility in working with individuals to address these concerns. This may include rotating schedules, split shifts, balancing workloads, reduced appointment or other alternative arrangements.
Please work closely with your supervisor to discuss these concerns. If you find that you are in a situation that requires special assistance, please reach out to the College’s Human Resources department for guidance.
On July 1, parking permit enforcement was restored for all parking areas on campus. Parking permits are sold pre-tax via payroll deduction, with payroll deduction occuring a month ahead. If you do not want your parking payroll deductions to continue, please follow the instructions to return your permit. Employees with occasional needs or who do not intend to be on campus 40 hours a week and need a more flexible option may also purchase daily parking options.
Peggy Sheagren, director of UHR operations, will help lead “The Coach is In” Wed., Aug. 5, from 1-2 p.m. on “Working by Design: Naming Our New Positive Habits and Rituals during Trying Times.” Sheagren will discuss habits or rituals we’ve each developed out of necessity this year, and give attendees tools to shine a light on their character strengths, along with self-designed rituals that can boost their own power. Registration is required.
Instructors wishing to request access to departmental teaching facilities and/or faculty offices to prepare for Fall 2020 courses may do so by filling out this form. Additionally, the College has lecture recording studios available for instructors wishing to record online content for the upcoming academic year, which can be requested for use during both the summer and fall term by filling out this form.
Weekly Education Summer Access Office Hours will be held to address specific questions and needs related to summer access Tuesdays & Thursdays from 3:00-4:00 p.m. The Zoom link and dial-in number each day will be:
- Link:
- Dial in: 646 876 9923
- Meeting ID: 863 995 3657
With more questions, email or call Katy Mattingly in the Office of the Associate Dean for Graduate and Professional Education at 734-647-6851 – please leave a message and your call will be returned Monday – Friday 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., usually in less than two minutes.
There remains an ongoing, urgent need for staff to volunteer as door entry greeters to allow for safe check-in of College students, faculty and staff into buildings to conduct their work. Shifts are 3 to 6 hours, and staff who volunteer to greet on weekdays, Monday-Friday, receive their normal pay and benefits. Temporary parking passes are available for greeters who need them. Greeters will ask individuals about their health attestation and take the individual’s temperature using a thermal scan thermometer. They will be provided with the necessary PPE to ensure their safety and well-being, as well as all necessary materials to operate the greeter station. To sign up for a shift, please contact Michael Lee at