Today begins the first day of full-time online learning. We sincerely hope that, wherever you have settled down to do your work, you are safe and comfortable. If you have not yet done so, please fill out the University’s student survey to share your current status.
We understand that transitioning to remote instruction may be confusing and, at times, frustrating. This is compounded by the uncertainties and struggles you may be feeling due to social distancing, self-quarantining or traveling. Please know we are here for you.
To help as you navigate this “new normal,” we wanted to provide some immediate resources. You should also turn to this page on the College’s COVID-19 Student Support page, which we will be updating regularly. Do not hesitate to reach out to any of the resources listed there for support.
As you begin your online studies, you may encounter roadblocks, experience technology issues or find it difficult to keep up with the pace of change.
Try to be patient with yourself, your classmates and your instructors during this time. Ask for help and clarification.
Make a plan now to adjust your studying habits – this effort may help you gain some sense of control. This document provides many helpful tips for doing so.
The College’s Late Drop/Add/Edit/Swap deadlines for Winter 2020 will be extended to the last day of classes (4/21/2020).
This includes full-term and second 7-week classes to drop with a “W”, add, swap, edit grading basis or credits (if the course allows) without an SSC Petition.
Above all, maintaining your health is paramount. Prevention is the best medicine, so please follow all CDC guidelines around cleanliness and social distancing.
Beginning immediately, practice social distancing. In general, you should cease all student group activities, on or off campus. In practice, this means no parties or events. Failure to do this could jeopardize your health or that of your fellow classmates.
If you are showing any symptoms of illness, including fever, cough or shortness of breath, please practice self-isolation and call your healthcare provider immediately. Students on campus can call University Health Services at 734-764-8320 day or night. Do not not use public transportation or arrive unannounced at UHS.
Students that are practicing self-quarantine, or have roommates who are practicing self-quarantine, should contact the Dean of Students Office at or 734-764-7420 for assistance.
Your mental and physical health are interconnected, and we cannot emphasize how important it is to prioritize your overall well-being. There is a lot of uncertainty and change right now and it is normal to be experiencing a wide range of reactions and emotions, from fear and anxiety to loneliness and depression. As we adjust and shift our normal routines, it can be helpful to:
Allow ourselves to acknowledge our difficult emotions without pushing them away or judging them. Share emotions with those you trust via phone calls or video calls.
Reconnect with hobbies, enjoy nature and help those in our communities in whatever way we can.
If you find yourself in need of professional mental health support, CAPS is open, available, and ready to support students in new and creative ways such as appointments via phone.
Above all, know that you are not alone. Reach out to your professors and your classmates regularly to maintain contact and get help. Utilize the resources on this page for support with finances, well-being and advocacy. Also do not hesitate to reach out to us with specific concerns where you feel additional support is needed. We are here for you.
Stay well,
Mary-Ann Mycek, Associate Dean, Graduate & Professional Education
Joanna Millunchick, Associate Dean, Undergraduate Education