In recognition of how current events may be impacting our graduate students, the College of Engineering is implementing the following grading policy for the Winter 2020 semester. These changes are in alignment with recently announced Rackham Graduate School grading policy changes.
For this term (Winter 2020) only, the following alternative grading policy will apply to all CoE graduate students enrolled in Rackham (MS, MSE, PhD) and non-Rackham (MEng, DEng) graduate degree programs:
- All graduate students enrolled in College of Engineering programs will receive a grade of either “Satisfactory” (“S”) or “No Record Covid” (“NRC”) for coursework graded on the letter system. Neither S nor NRC will be factored into the GPA. Students who receive an “S” will receive full course credit. The minimum grade for S will be B-. Language will be added to transcripts explaining the University’s policy for the winter 2020 term.
- Until July 1, 2020, students will be allowed to review their course grade and convert grades of S and NRC into letter grades if they wish. More information about this process can be found on the Registrar’s Winter 2020 Grading Frequently Asked Questions page.
- A grade of S that is converted into a letter grade will earn credit and be calculated into the GPA. A grade of NRC that is converted into a letter grade of C- or above will also earn credit and be used to calculate the GPA. Students who receive “NRC” will receive no course credit, and their GPA will not be affected.
- The policy will not be available for courses that have been graded before March 10.
- A flexible withdrawal policy will also be instituted. Students will have until April 21 to withdraw from a course and not have the course appear on their transcript.
- Instructors will continue to have the option of issuing an Incomplete (I) and approving an extension with a deadline for completion of final work due in the course. An incomplete will not be permanently recorded on the transcript.
- Individual programs may have additional degree requirements for academic performance, such as in required or core classes. Students should consult with their academic program for further information in these cases.
During these unprecedented times, please remember to access the College’s resources and support for engineering students, Rackham’s resources for graduate students, the Registrar’s Winter 2020 Grading Frequently Asked Questions, and don’t hesitate to reach out to me or my office with any questions you may have. Remote appointments can be made by phone at (734) 647-6851 or at
I remain incredibly proud of your adaptability and commitment to your graduate studies during these challenging times.
Stay well,
Mary-Ann Mycek
Associate Dean for Graduate & Professional Education
College of Engineering, University of Michigan
(734) 647-6851