Welcome Engineering students to Winter 21

Hello Michigan Engineering Students, and welcome to the Winter 2021 semester.

We sincerely hope you had some time over Winter break to unwind, relax and spend time with those you love. As we look to begin the semester, we wanted to share some important information for engineering students.

Below we include information about testing, monitoring, and safety, resources for campus life, key dates and upcoming events, and tips for engaging with remote learning. Please set aside some time before you begin your travels or classes to ensure you know what is expected of you, how you can get support, and what’s available this semester.

We recognize this semester begins in what are still challenging times. Taking college classes in the middle of a pandemic and a tense political and social landscape add stressors to what is an already-stressful time. We want you to know that we are focused on your well-being – you are not alone. No matter where you are studying from – whether in a dorm on North Campus, a bedroom of your parents’ house or somewhere in-between – the faculty and staff at Michigan Engineering are here to help you. 

Please never hesitate to seek help: academically, emotionally, personally or professionally. We all need help sometimes, and now more than ever.

We are looking forward to starting the term with you soon! 

Jeanne, Joanna and Mary-Ann

Testing, Monitoring & Safety

Depending on your academic and residential status, the requirements will be different for each of you. Please review these to ensure you are in compliance.

For ALL students

  • Vaccinations: It is important that all who can be vaccinated are prepared to do so when the vaccine becomes available to them. To ensure you are ready, please:
    • Fill out the Blue Queue questionnaire
    • Establish a medical record number (MRN) if you do not have one. This can be done by calling (734) 936-4900 and pressing option 1.
    • Create a MyUofMHealth account if you do not have one.
  • Update Address: Please let U-M know where you’ll be studying this semester. 

For ALL students on campus

For undergraduate students on campus

Resources & Campus Life

Most of our resources are available for all students virtually, with some additional items in person. 

For ALL students

  1. Emergency Funding: If you are facing  emergency expenses (including challenges related to the current COVID-19 pandemic), please fill out our emergency funding application.
  2. Mental, Emotional and Academic Support Services:
    1. The Michigan Engineering C.A.R.E. Center is the central hub to assist engineering students.
    2. Engineering Center for Academic Success supports the academic success of students.
    3. Silvercloud is an online, self-guided, interactive mental health resource.
    4. Embedded Counselors are offered by both the College of Engineering and the Rackham Graduate School
  3. Office Hours: Have a question or a challenge and not sure where to go? 
    1. Drop in to Office Hours with Jeanne Murabito, the Executive Director for Student Affairs for concerns around financial and academic support, student life and organizations.
    2. Remote appointments with Mary-Ann Mycek, Associate Dean for Graduate & Professional Education, can be made by phone or email (ADGPE-office@umich.edu, 734-647-6851) for concerns related to the graduate student experience. 
    3. Joanna Millunchick, Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education holds regular office hours for concerns related to undergraduate courses, projects and organizations.

For students on campus

  1. Study spaces: All CoE Students and CS LSA Students will have 24/7 access to CoE Buildings this semester. In addition students can reserve campus study spaces and reserve individual CAEN computers in CAEN computer labs using these links. 
  2. Wilson Center: The Center will be opening up with the start of the Winter semester. All check-in procedures and policies from the fall still apply.

Engineering Events & Dates to Remember

Whether you are on- or off-campus, there are activities for you.

For ALL students

For all Students on Campus

  • Free doughnuts and coffee: Engineering is offering complimentary coffee, donuts and juice every Wednesday morning starting Jan. 20 in the Duderstadt Connector from 10-11am.
  • Maize & Blue Cupboard: Providing access to healthy, nutritious, and nourishing food, including pick-up dates on North Campus every other Wednesday starting Jan. 27.
  • Keep an eye out for our regular CoE Announcements and Events emails to learn more about engagement opportunities this semester!

Tips for Enhancing your Remote Participation

When participating in synchronous sessions and activities this semester, consider the following tips provided by Nexus:

  • Set up an effective at-home workstation:
    • Use earbuds with a microphone and set up a desk lamp to increase lighting in your workspace.
    • The ITS Tech Shop and Amazon offer low cost options, or you may consider repurposing items you already have.
  • Take steps to enhance your participation:
    • Turn on your camera
    • Reduce distractions
    • Be mindful of lighting and angles
    • Stay visible when possible during classes
    • Pay attention to time zones when working with peers in different geographic locations