Winter 2020 Deadline Extensions for Graduate Students

Dear College of Engineering Graduate Students,

Due to the challenges presented to graduate education by the COVID-19 outbreak, the College of Engineering is implementing changes to several deadlines relevant to graduate students for the Winter 2020 term. This policy is in alignment with the Rackham Graduate School’s communication to program directors sent yesterday.

For this term (Winter 2020) only, the following deadline extensions will apply to all CoE graduate students enrolled in Rackham (MS, MSE, PhD) and non-Rackham (MEng, DEng) graduate degree programs:

  • The deadline for the completion of requirements to achieve candidacy in the Winter 2020 term will be moved to September 2, 2020, in order to allow doctoral students to complete candidacy exams that may have been disrupted by the COVID-19 outbreak.
  • The deadline for the completion of Winter 2020 dissertation defenses and post-dissertation defense submissions will be extended to August 18, 2020.
  • The deadline for Master’s students to complete requirements in time for degree conferral on May 1 has been extended to April 21, 2020. 

During these unprecedented times, please remember to access the College’s resources and support for engineering students, Rackham’s COVID-19 resource page, and don’t hesitate to reach out to me or my office with any questions you may have. Remote appointments can be made by phone at (734) 647-6851 or at

Thank you for your adaptability and resilience during these challenging times and best wishes for your well-being and academic success.

Stay well,

Mary-Ann Mycek, Ph.D.Associate Dean for Graduate & Professional Education
College of Engineering, University of Michigan
(734) 647-6851