The College of Engineering’s weekly update aims to provide transparent and frequent information about how the College is operating, adapting and caring for its community. Updated information can always be found at the College’s COVID website. Questions and feedback can be submitted here.
With only one week left of the semester, please prioritize your wellbeing and do what you can to support anyone you see struggling. One thing that makes us who we are is that we have high expectations of ourselves. This semester, making it through is an accomplishment in itself.
Thank you all for reading these updates and using the information and resources we’ve shared. We’re pleased to report that, on average, more than half of you open these emails every week – proving they are helpful during a time when changes happen rapidly. This will be the last update of the semester. The updates will resume on January 7, 2021.
We wish you a safe and happy holiday break. And don’t forget about those bonus season days: 12/23 & 12/24. Here’s a few closing reminders.
U-M usually requires grades to be submitted no later than 72 hours after the date of the final exam. Provost Collins has asked the Registrar to extend the deadline for grade submission by 24 hours, giving instructors 96 hours to submit grades following their final exams. Adhering to this deadline is critical to ensure other dependent processes can be completed in a timely manner.
If your Mcard expired, or will in 2020, the University has extended its activation through June 1, 2021.
If you choose to renew your Mcard for AAATA bus rides— or you simply want to renew it at your convenience —there are several campus ID stations. Please review the campus ID stations web page for current hours of operation and COVID-19 safety procedures. You will be required to turn in your expired Mcard when obtaining a new one, otherwise a $20 replacement fee will apply.
Instructors received an email with reminders and resources. Please be prepared for technical difficulties during exams:
- Include a statement on your syllabus
- Be prepared with a list of technical resources
- Review the suggested back-up plans
Read this post from the Faculty Resources Blog to learn about key steps, options, and considerations for administering timed exams via Canvas.
If you find yourself mentally nearing the end of your rope, please reach out to Faculty and Staff Counseling and Consultation Office (FASCCO). Also, remember these services that are available in engineering:
- SilverCloud: An interactive mental health portal available to the entire U-M community that can help you sleep better and manage stress anxiety and depression.
- C.A.R.E. Center: The central hub to assist engineering students through a variety of barriers to achieving overall wellness.