The Washtenaw County Health Department is recommending that all currently enrolled University of Michigan students living on or near the Ann Arbor campus stay in place at their campus-area addresses starting today through Feb. 7. This is being done to help slow the spread of COVID-19 – including the more easily transmitted B.1.1.7. variant.
This recommendation, which has the full support of the university, is directed at all U-M undergraduate, graduate and professional students enrolled in the Winter 2021 term and currently residing on or off campus in Washtenaw County. Students are being asked to:
- Remain at their campus-area addresses
- Not gather with others outside of their household members.
Students are permitted to leave their residence only to participate in limited activities, including:
- In-person classes
- Work or research that cannot be completed remotely
- Obtaining food and medical care
More information can be found on this page of the Campus Maize and Blueprint website.